Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Strawberry Fields

We had family in town recently and had a great time.  One of the fun things we did together was go to a local farmer's market and pick strawberries in their fields.  We ended up bringing 6 pounds of strawberries home with us!  Once we started picking the beautiful red fruit, it was almost impossible to stop.  I couldn't believe how well my 1 1/2 year old did.  I still see her as my baby, but I guess she really is a toddler now.

We enjoyed fresh strawberries, smoothies, yogurt mixed with bananas and strawberries, strawberry-topped ice cream and strawberry bread over the next several days.  My infant nephew even sucked on the fruit through a mesh baby feeder.

Strawberries are an excellent source of several nutrients, such as vitamin C.  Vitamin C is one of the antioxidant nutrients, along with vitamin E, selenium and vitamin A.  An antioxidant does what the name says...it neutralizes oxidized molecules.  The American Dietetic Association explains antioxidants with the following (hey, they word it beautifully--visit www.eatright.org for more):

Antioxidants are dietary substances including some nutrients such as beta carotene, vitamins C and E and selenium, that can prevent damage to your body cells or repair damage that has been done.

Antioxidants work by significantly slowing or preventing the oxidative — or damage from oxygen — process caused by substances called free radicals that can lead to cell dysfunction and the onset of problems like heart disease and diabetes. Antioxidants may also improve immune function and perhaps lower your risk for infection and cancer.

In your body, the antioxidant process is similar to stopping an apple from browning. Once you cut an apple, it begins to brown, but if you dip it in orange juice, which contains vitamin C, it stays white.

Vitamin C, as you find in citrus fruits and strawberries does improve the immune system.  This connection with our immune systems is the reason many believe that vitamin C will help cure the common cold.  While, technically, it is not an actual cure, having enough vitamin C in our diet and in our body stores does improve our immune systems ability to fight illness.  So, grab your fresh strawberry smoothie and bottoms up!


Kim said...

Great ideas, we love strawberries around here,it seems like a summer staple. I would love your strawberry bread recipe.

Rachel Anderson said...

Those mesh bag feeders for babies are the best! I give my baby way more fresh fruit than I would otherwise because I can just pop it in the mesh bag and not worry about choking hazards. When I give him a strawberry he is able to eat nearly the entire thing just by sucking on it. When I get the bag back from him all it has in it are a few seeds. Of course he also has strawberry juice all over his face and hands, but cleanliness while feeding your child is a whole different topic..

Hayley said...

sign me up for a strawberry smoothie!!!!!!!!

Melissa Wilson said...

I have been on the lookout for one of those mesh feeders, does anyone know offhand where I can get one?

Keely said...

Mmmmm! Thank you for sharing!